Debate on human-induced global warming.

Posted: December 13, 2010 in Conspiracy Theory, Debate, Polls
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Global warming is a popular debate among the skeptics , those who believe that man is responsible for climate change and those who belive that it is a natural phenomena , both claim to have the facts to back them up. Unfortunately there can only be one right. So before I spill my opinion all over your new cloths , I would like to know what you guys think about it.

  1. nivaa says:

    Mr Carlin explains it ALL! 🙂

    the planet will heal itself, cleanse itself, because thats what it does! its a self correcting system!’

  2. Jeff Gordan says:

    I believe that human beings have caused the climate change, for example, think about the thousands of cars being created each year, all the pollution that the cars create forms a bigger Carbon footprint. Also these huge skyscrapers are not doing the planet any favours, we humans are killing our planet by creating unwanted CO2 emissions, and polluting the atmosphere. I feel it’s time a change is made to clean up the mess, and bring an end to the growing climate change.

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