Archive for December 13, 2010

Global warming is a popular debate among the skeptics , those who believe that man is responsible for climate change and those who belive that it is a natural phenomena , both claim to have the facts to back them up. Unfortunately there can only be one right. So before I spill my opinion all over your new cloths , I would like to know what you guys think about it.

Joe Nickell fromSkeptical Inquirer investigates into the evidence provided by Stan Romanek that purports to prove he has been repeatedly visited or contacted by extraterrestrials is all of a suspicious nature.

I was queried by ABC News about an alien video that subsequently aired on the ABC show Primetime: The Outsiders (August 18, 2009). The documentary focused on the personal experiences of a few people who believe they have been abducted by aliens, as well as on certain physical evidence, offered by one alleged abductee, that purports to prove alien visitation.

The reported experiences were consistent with other abductees’ reports. Many of the abductees have simply had common “waking dreams,” which occur in the borderland between wakefulness and sleep. Others have been hypnotized by alien-abduction gurus like the late Dr. John Mack and therefore have merely gone on a trip to Fantasyland that can conjure up false memories. Some of the more elaborate experiences happened to subjects (like Whitley Strieber, author of Communion) who, though sane and normal, nevertheless exhibit many of the traits of fantasy-prone personalities: being easily hypnotized, having vivid memories, experiencing intense dreams, and having out-of-body experiences, among others (Nickell 2007, 251–258; Baker 1987–88). A few alleged abductees may be psychotic, while others seem so craving of attention that they have turned to hoaxing…..

The rest of the article can be found at:

The following is an excerpt from a blog called skepbitch:

Superficially and stereotypically, it seems that this is ‘true’. Men buy the porn mags and women buy the fashion and gossip magazines, complete with astrology columns. There are more witches than warlocks, and more wise women than wise men. ‘Masturbation causes blindness’ is an old wive’s tale, not an old husband’s tale. Psychics, sensitives and intuitives are more often women than men, and women visit naturopaths, homeopathists and iridologists while men won’t even go to the doctor. The fortune teller is the woman with the big hoop earrings, not a man with a big crystal ball. Angels and fairies have golden locks, not cocks. Men drink beer and women read tea leaves. Women are the perpetrators and consumers. After all, Eve did get us booted out of Paradise…bitch…

For the rest of the article go to: